

Roar Circus is a company born from a spontaneous improvisation in October 2019.

Since then, they created several stage acts and performed them at conventions and circus events in Germany, Austria and France.

In 2021, Roar Circus started the creation of the show “Crunchy Stories” to expand their acts and develop the play they have between them.

Next dates

29th of June
Fusion Festival Fire Gala hosting – Lärz (Germany)

17 – 19 of May 2024
Kulturelle LandPartie, Neu Tramm – Wendland (Germany)

20th of May 2024
Kulturelle LandPartie, Meuchefitz – Wendland (Germany)

9th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Bremen (Germany)

10th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Osnabrück (Germany)

11th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Mülheim an der Ruhr (Germany)

12th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Löhne (Germany)

15th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Arnsberg (Germany)

16th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Wuppertal (Germany)

17th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Dinslaken (Germany)

18th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Kronberg im Taunus (Germany)

19th of July
Von Nord Nach West – Troisdorf (Germany)

14 – 17 of august
Aurillac (France)


Simon (Fr/Eng): 0033 782167001
Marc (Ger/Eng): 0049 1783344224